Covid-19 – Collaborating, Planning and Preparing.

Covid-19 – Collaborating, Planning and Preparing.
29th April 2020 Charlotte
In News

We may have been quiet at LP Food at Work while the dreaded virus has being playing havoc with all our lives and businesses but we have not been idle!

We have been working hard on what LP Food at Work can do to help in this strange and worrying situation. How can we protect people? The most effective use of our resource is to focus where we will be most effective: Our clients, our staff and our suppliers.

As clients’ businesses have closed, we set to reassure the people we employ to work in these contracts. They have been furloughed and Chris and his team have been chatting regularly with them. We continue to check in with them to see if they are ok and if we can do anything to help, financially and/or emotionally.

Our clients –  We have regular contact and discussions with each client as their business needs evolve. We initiate ideas and respond to suggestions in equal measure. We have created bespoke Pre-opening plans for each of our clients with safety, confidence and wellness more of a focus than ever.

Our suppliers – We have a wide range of suppliers we have known and worked with over the last 19 years and we want to continue to do so well into the future. We talk and share information on how we will all evolve as we come out of this safe and healthy.

Keep well every one. We will see you soon.